Bread, rolls and flatbreads
Butter and dry and canned dairy products
Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water and ice
Cheese and cheese products
Chocolate (except confectionery)
Cookies, crackers and baked sweet goods
Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products
Flavouring syrups, seasonings
Flour and other grain mill products
Flour mixes, dough and dry pasta
Fresh and frozen beef and veal
Fresh and frozen poultry of all types
Fresh vegetables (except potatoes)
Fresh, frozen and canned fruit and vegetable juices
Grain and oilseed products, n.e.c.
Ice cream, sherbet and similar frozen desserts
Margarine and cooking oils
Other food products, n.e.c.
Other miscellaneous crop products
Prepared and packaged seafood
Preserved fruit and vegetables
Processed fluid milk and milk
Processed meat products, other miscellaneous meats and animal by-products
Sugar and sugar mill by-products